[행사보고] 제 70회 글로벌 엑설런스 세미나: \”유동성과 환율의 관계에 대한 희생양 효과\”
[행사보고] 제 70회 글로벌 엑설런스 세미나 "유동성과 환율의 관계에 대한 희생양 효과" 강의명: 유동성과 환율의 관계에 대한 희생양 효과 일시: 2024년 03월 22일 (금) 오후 12시-1시 30분 장소: Global Strategy Room (140-1동 201호) 발표: 박철범 교수 (고려대학교 경제학과) 사회: 오동철 교수 (서울대학교 국제대학원) 언어: 한국어 2024년 3월 22일, 서울대학교 국제학연구소 (IIA)가 주최하는 “제70회 […]
[Event Report] The 27th Global Prominence Seminar: “Lessons from European defense cooperation for the US-ROK Nuclear Assurance debate”
[Event Report] The 27th Global Prominence Seminar "Lessons from European defense cooperation for the US-ROK Nuclear Assurance debate" Title: Lessons from European defense cooperation for the US-ROK Nuclear Assurance debate Date: 2024. 04. 02. (Tuesday) 12:00 – 13:30 Place: SNU GSIS International Conference Hall (140-2Bldg. 4F) Presenter: Professor Bence Nemeth (King's College London) Moderator: Professor Seong-Ho Sheen (GSIS SNU) Language: English […]
[Event Report] The 26th Global Prominence Seminar: “Political Structure and Energy Security Policy of South Korea and Japan”
[Event Report] The 26th Global Prominence Seminar "Political Structure and Energy Security Policy of South Korea and Japan" Title: Political Structure and Energy Security Policy of South Korea and Japan Date: 2024. 03. 27. (Wednesday) 12:00 – 13:30 Place: SNU GSIS International Conference Hall (140-2Bldg. 4F) Presenter: OH Seong-Ik (Director General, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure […]
[Event Report] The 25th Global Prominence Seminar: “Evolving Shadows: Inside Japan‘s Strategic Shift and the Policy-Making Dynamics Defining the Future of the Region”
[Event Report] The 25th Gobla Prominence Seminar "Evolving Shadows: Inside Japan's Strategic Shift and the Policy-Making Dynamics Defining the Future of the Region" Title: Evolving Shadows: Inside Japan's Strategic Shift and the Policy-Making Dynamics Defining the Future of the Region Date: 2024. 03. 13. (Wednesday) 12:30 – 14:00 Place: SNU GSIS International Conference Hall […]
[Event Report] The 24th Global Prominence Seminar: “EU’s Geopolitical Challenges: Central European Outlook”
The Seoul National University Institute of International Affairs held the “24th Global Prominence Seminar” on November 29, 2023 in the International Conference Hall (Bldg. 140-2, Room 401). Director of the Institute of International Affairs Seong-Ho Sheen moderated the seminar, and Tomáš Petříček, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, gave a presentation entitled […]
[Event Report] Accountability for International Crimes: A Judge’s Perspective
The Seoul National University Institute of International Affairs held the “23rd Global Prominence Seminar” on November 21, 2023 in the International Conference Hall (Bldg. 140-2, Room 401). Seoul National University Graduate School of International Studies Professor Hyeyoung Lee moderated the seminar, and Judge Chang-ho Chung of the International Criminal Court gave a talk titled “Accountability […]
[Event Report] The 22nd Global Prominence Seminar: “Japan’s Quiet Leadership: Reshaping the Indo-Pacific”
The Seoul National University Institute of International Affairs held the “22nd Global Prominence Seminar” on November 16, 2023 in the Global Leaders Room (Bldg. 140, Room 201). Seoul National University Graduate School of International Studies Professor Seong-ho Sheen moderated the seminar, and Director Mireya Solís of the Center for East Asia Policy Studies in […]
[Event Report] The 21st Global Prominence Seminar: “New Zealand’s Indo-Pacific Challenge”
The Seoul National University Institute of International Affairs held the “21st Global Prominence Seminar” on September 19, 2023 in the Global Leaders Room (Bldg. 140, Room 201). Seoul National University Graduate School of International Studies Professor Seong-ho Sheen moderated the seminar, and Victoria University of Wellington Emeritus Professor Roberto Rabel gave a presentation entitled […]
[행사보고] 제69회 글로벌 엑설런스 세미나: \”한국의 아파트 단지 중심 주거문화를 둘러싼 새로운 실천과 상상\”
[행사보고] 제68회 글로벌 엑설런스 세미나: “한국의 아파트 단지 중심 주거문화를 둘러싼 새로운 실천과 상상” 11월 24일, 서울대학교 국제학연구소 (IIA)가 주최하는 “제69회 글로벌 엑설런스 세미나”가 140-2동 202호에서 진행되었습니다. 서울대 국제대학원의 박지환 교수님께서 사회를 맡아 주셨으며, 한국학중앙연구원 한국학대학원의 정헌목 교수님께서 “한국의 아파트 단지 중심 주거문화를 둘러싼 새로운 실천과 상상”이라는 주제로 발표해 주셨습니다. 다양한 분야에서 오신 많은 분들이 참석해 […]
[행사보고] 제68회 글로벌 엑설런스 세미나: \”Peace Building by Humanitarian Diplomacy on the Korean Peninsula\”
[Event Report] The 68th Global Excellence Seminar: “Peace Building by Humanitarian Diplomacy on the Korean Peninsula” The Seoul National University Institute of International Affairs held the “68th Global Excellence Seminar” on November 10, 2023 in the Global Leaders Room (Bldg. 140, Room 201). Seoul National University Graduate School of International Studies Professor Semee Yoon moderated […]