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[행사보고] 제59회 글로벌 엑설런스 세미나: “국경을 넘는 삶: 국경 정책의 변화와 교역 이동성에 대하여” 엑설런스 세미나”가 140-1동 Global Strategy Room (201호)에서 진행되었습니다. 서울대 국제대학원의 박지환 교수님께서 사회를 맡아 주셨으며, 덕성여자대 글로벌융합대학 문화인류학전공의 채현정 교수님께서 “국경을 넘는 삶: 국경 정책의 변화와 교역 이동성에 대하여”이라는 주제로 발표해 주셨습니다. 다양한 분야에서 오신 많은 분들이 대면과 비대면으로 참석해 주셨습니다. 채현정 교수님께서 본인은 합법적으로 국경을 넘지 못하지만 태국인, 미얀마인과 라오스인들의 자유롭고 합법적으로 국경을 넘는 흥미로운 경험을 바탕으로 그 지역의 교역과 국경 체계를 연구하시게 되었다고 설명해 주셨습니다. 그리고 그지역의 경제개발계획과 국경자유화를 소개해 주셨고 다중적인 국경 이동의 양상을 설명해 주셨습니다.
Read More[행사보고] 제58회 글로벌 엑설런스 세미나: Mainstreaming Gender in Development: Focusing on the Role of Gender Experts in Vietnam and Cambodia The Seoul National University Institute of International Affairs held the “58th Global Excellence Seminar” on March 31, 2023 in the Global Strategy Room (Bldg. 140-1, Room 201). Research Professor Benjamin A. Engel of Seoul National University’s Institute of International Affairs moderated the seminar, and Seoul National University Graduate School of International Studies BK21 Program Post-Doctoral Researcher Yeri Shim gave a presentation entitled “Mainstreaming Gender in Development: Focusing on the Role of Gender Experts in Vietnam and Cambodia.” Many students and researchers attended the seminar both in-person and online. Dr. Shim explained the difference between OECD DAC members’ reporting on the inclusion of gender mainstreaming initiatives in development projects and the actual prevalence of gender mainstreaming in those projects and asked the question how can gender mainstreaming incorporate local factors to achieve gender equality in recipient countries with increasing ownership of ODA loan projects, given that it is a donor-driven global strategy. Her research resulted in the construction of a typology of gender mainstreaming in loan projects with the dimensions of donor’s commitment to gender equality and local gender networks in recipient countries.
Read More[행사보고] 제57회 글로벌 엑설런스 세미나: Why Do Some Markets Welcome Uber While Others Do Not? How Political Competition Affects Innovation The Seoul National University Institute of International Affairs held the “57th Global Excellence Seminar” on March 24, 2023 online via Zoom. Professor Soohyung Lee of Seoul National University’s Graduate School of International Studies moderated the seminar, and KAIST College of Business Professor Yongwook Paik gave a presentation entitled “Why Do Some Markets Welcome Uber While Others Do Not?” Many students and researchers attended the seminar. Professor Baik sought to answer the question of why some markets welcome Uber while others do not from the perspective of regulators, and hypothesized that Uber was more likely to be banned in cities with less political competition, with the unemployment rate and large population sizes serving as variables that would attenuate this effect. Using data from dozens of US cities, Professor Paik found evidence to support his hypotheses and argued that political competition can force government regulators to weigh public welfare more heavily in their decisions.
Read More[행사보고] 제56회 글로벌 엑설런스 세미나: Does Integrated Approach Lead to a Better Outcome? Case Study on the Youth Volunteers Supporting Peace and Recovery in Darfur The Seoul National University Institute of International Affairs held the “56th Global Excellence Seminar” on March 10, 2023 in the Global Strategy Room (Bldg. 140-1, Room 201). Professor Taekyoon Kim of Seoul National University’s Graduate School of International Studies moderated the seminar, and Sogang University’s Professor Youngwan Kim gave a presentation entitled “Does an Integrated Approach Lead to Better Outcomes for Development Projects? Youth Volunteers Supporting Peace and Recovery in Darfur.” Many students and researchers attended the seminar both in-person and online. Professor Youngwan Kim used the Youth Volunteers Supporting Peace and Recovery in Darfur (YoVoRed) development project of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as a case study to answer the research question of whether and how does an integrated approach lead to a better outcome. Professor Kim argued that the YoVoRed project was showing very encouraging results using an integrated approach, but nevertheless stated that several challenges—including the need for more financial resources and a strong central authority, acquiring the understanding of donors, and creating a new evaluation method—existed in implementing development projects with an integrated approach.
Read More[행사보고] 제55회 글로벌 엑설런스 세미나: “The Politics of Bride Immigration: Competitive Immigration Policy-Making in South Korea” 12월 9일, 서울대학교 국제학연구소 (IIA)가 주최하는 “제55회 글로벌 엑설런스 세미나”가 140-1동 Global Strategy Room (201호)에서 진행되었습니다. 서울대 국제대학원의 오윤아 교수님께서 사회를 맡아 주셨으며, 서울대 한국정치연구소의 정연경 연구원님께서 “The Politics of Bride Immigration: Competitive Immigration Policy-Making in South Korea”라는 주제로 발표해 주셨습니다. 다양한 전공 분야에서 오신 많은 분들이 대면과 비대면으로 참석해 주셨습니다. 정연경 연구원님께서 “왜 지방 자치제들이 서로 다른 이민정책을 채택하는가”라는 연구 질문을 제시하면서 지방 자치제들의 사이에 경쟁이 이루어지기 때문에 이민자들을 끌어들이기 위해 서로 다른 이민정책을 채택한다고 주장하셨습니다. 정연경 연구원님꼐서 결혼이민여성에 집중하시면서 그들의 특징, 한국으로 오는 흡인요인, 인권문제 등 설명해 주셨으며 지방 자치제들 사이의 경쟁이 이민정책 채택에 상당한 영향을 미친다고 데이터 분석을 통해 보여주셨습니다.
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